Head Check Step 1 of 9 11% HiddenDepHiddenAnxHiddenAngHiddenAddHead Maintenance Self CheckThis quiz is just for you, so don't worry - your results are completely private. No one will have access to your results, so keep it 100.What is your sleep like at the moment?*Everyone needs sleep, and whether you’re a six hours per night or a nine–hour kind of guy, it’s important to get a good snooze. A good sleep can boost our mood, and likewise, a poor sleep can make us feel irritable and snappy. I sleep no longer than 7-8 hours a night and I don't nap during the day I sleep no longer than 10 hours in a 24-hour period including naps I sleep no longer than 12 hours in a 24-hour period including naps I sleep longer than 12 hours in a 24-hour period including naps How long does it usually take you to fall asleep?*It can be hard to nod off when you're feeling wound up or pissed off, especially if there’s something you’re thinking about regularly when you’re trying to fall asleep. I never take longer than 30 minutes I take at least 30 minutes, less than half of the time I take at least 30 minutes, more than half of the time I take more than 60 minutes, more than half of the time How often do you feel sad, down, hopeless or depressed?*Feeling sad is a normal part of life, and sadness is an important part of a healthy, full range of emotions. Never Less than half the time More than half the time Nearly all the time How has your appetite been?*Whether it’s eating too much or skipping a meal, we’ve all been guilty now and again. There is no change in my usual appetite I occasionally eat more or less than usual I eat much more or much less than usual I rarely eat within a 24-hour period or I feel the need to overeat at every meal How is your ability to concentrate and make decisions?*Though everyone is faced with hard-to-make decisions now and again that can take our attention away from the present moment, being able to focus and be decisive when we need to is important. There is no change in my ability to concentrate or make decisions I occasionally feel indecisive or find my attention wandering I struggle to focus my attention or make decisions most of the time I cannot concentrate well enough to read and/or I can't even make minor decisions How do you see yourself?*Whether you call it self-confidence, bravado or swagger, a healthy self-image is an important trait for every male to possess. I see myself as equally worthwhile and as deserving as other people I am more self-blaming than usual I largely believe that I cause problems for others I think almost constantly about major and minor defects in myself Do you think about your death and/or suicide?* I do not I feel that life is empty I think of suicide or my death several times a week for several minutes I have made specific plans for suicide or I have actually attempted to take my life It's normal to feel down sometimes, but when your mind turns to darker places, it's often a sign that you're dealing with an exceptional situation. When this happens, it's important to grapple with it and deal with it effectively. Call 239-1111 for assistance. When doing your favourite hobbies and activities, do you enjoy them as much as you used to?*It’s important to spend time regularly doing the things you enjoy, whether that’s playing or watching sports, listening to music, walking the dog, or getting together with the guys to watch football. I enjoy them as much as I usually do I try to enjoy them, but I don't as much as I used to I enjoy them, if I'm drunk I don't enjoy them at all Do you enjoy getting around others as much as usual?*Whether you're a social butterfly or more of a caterpillar, spending time with family, friends and co-workers is important for every guy. I enjoy socializing as much as I usually do I notice that I am less interested in socializing with other people I find I have interest in being around only a select few people I have virtually no interest in being around people What do you think about sex?*Let's face it, as most of us get older, we aren't the stallions we once were. But ‘getting some’ is an important part of life. I enjoy it as much as I usually do I enjoy it on occasion I only do it when I'm in the mood, which is like once or twice a year I am basically celibate How easily are you angered?*Life is full of frustrations – like waiting in lines and bad football referees. On occasion, these frustrations can turn into anger. Not easily, I am able to control my temper Some things make me angry, but my temper is generally under control I don't always show my anger, but if I do - watch out I fly off the handle easily When angry, do you ever say things you regret?*It would be pretty hard to find a guy who hasn’t flown off the handle now and again. But some males have a tendency to say things they later regret when they get angry. No, I don't say things I later regret when angry On occasion, I say things I regret when angry, but I usually apologize immediately after Yes, I often blurt out things I later regret Yes, in fact, I get so angry I rarely remember what I've said How often do you get violent when angry?*Some guys punch stuff when angry. And while it may make them feel better for a moment, the wall or face on the receiving end usually doesn’t. I rarely become angry, let alone violent I get angry every once in a while, but I don't usually get violent On occasion, I have been known to punch a wall or break something when angry Often I get so angry that I become physically violent toward others How often do you feel worried, anxious or stressed out?*Many life stressors can contribute to feelings of anxiety, such as meeting a deadline, watching your team in a tight game, or when you're stuck in traffic. Not at all 1 or 2 times per week 3 or 4 times per week Nearly every day How often do you worry?*Unless you're a fortune teller or happen to own a crystal ball, life is unpredictable. And because of this, it can be easy to worry about things out of your control. Not at all 1 or 2 times per week Quite often, I am bothered by worrying more than 3 or 4 times per week All the time, I cannot stop or control my worrying How much do you drink?*In Bermuda, drinking is a time-honoured way for guys to unwind after a hard day's work. Getting totally wasted, however, is not. I don't drink or have fewer than 1 or 2 drinks per night 3-4 drinks per night 5-6 drinks per night 6 or more drinks per night How often do you use drugs to get high? And yes, this includes weed.*Remember, your answers are anonymous, so don't worry about 'The Man' busting your door down. Never Once a month Once a week Everyday Have you ever tried to give up drugs or alcohol?*Whether it's a lifestyle change, for your health or it's the last chance with your partner, lots of men have tried to quit boozing and using. No, my alcohol and drug use is non-existent or very minimal Yes, I was able to curb my drinking and/or drug use for period of time Yes I have tried, but I was unable to stop drinking or using drugs No, not only do I not want to stop, I don’t think I would be able too Email (Optional) NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.